by itadmin | May 23, 2016 | Cost Reduction, Library | 0 comments

With our water saving tips, you can now start saving money as well as becoming “greener”. Even if you live in an area where water is abundant, it doesn’t mean you have to waste it. Water conservation is now common practice in many regions, and it should be a priority to us all.
While you save money on your water bill, you prevent pollution. These small adjustments can actually have a significant impact if an increasing number of people use the following tips to save water. And we are not only talking about our home. Because we spend at least 8 hours per day at the office, we have to apply the same rules to our workplace.
Here are the best 25 water saving tips to follow
- Check your faucets and pipes for any leakage. You can waste dozens of gallons of water per day just because of a small leak.
- Insulate the water pipes.
- Install water-saving aerators.
- Check your water meter from time to time. Read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when you haven’t used any water. If the figures don’t correspond, you have a leak.
- Check for toilet tank leaks. Put food coloring in the tank to see the possible leakage.
- Buy water-saving shower heads. They’re easy to install and will help you save water when you shower. This won’t work by itself, however. You have to limit the time you spend in the shower as well. Soap up, wash down and rinse off as quickly as possible.
- Always keep a bottle of water in the refrigerator. This way, you won’t have to wait for running cold tap
- On laundry day, always wash full loads. Try not to set up your washing machine for just a few clothes.
- Always wash full loads of dishes. If you don’t have that many dishes to wash, just wash them by hand.
- Turn off the water when brushing your teeth.
- Don’t leave the water running at all times when washing vegetables. Instead, you could fill a pan with clear water and wash them there. Then, use it to water plants.
- Reuse the leftover water from your steamed foods. You can use it as a base for soup.
- Soak pot and pans before washing. It will save water and you can clean them better.

- Rinse the razor in the sink. Fill the sink with a little water and use it for rinsing.
- Don’t use water to defrost food. Leave your frozen food in the refrigerator instead.
- Wash dark clothes in cold water. It is a both water and energy-saving tip.
- While you wait for water to heat up, collect the colder water and use it to water your plants.
- Buy a dual-flush toilet.
- When watering your outdoor plants, do it early in the morning or late at night. This way, you prevent evaporation as well as fungus growth.
- Water your lawn only when necessary. To test this, step on the grass. If it springs back when you take your feet off, it has plenty of water. If it stays flat, you can water it.
- Don’t leave the hose running when car-washing. Just fill a bucket of water and car detergent and proceed to wash your car. Only when you’ve finished washing all of it, you can rinse it off. Turn off the hose when checking for any missing spots. You can save many gallons of water this way.
- Don’t play with recreational water toys.
- When cleaning your alley, driveway or sidewalk, use a broom instead of a hose.
- Use a pool cover. This will keep your pool clean for a longer period of time while preventing evaporation.
- Teach your children how to conserve water and reward them when they do. This way, they will keep repeating the actions.
In only 25 simple steps, you too can contribute to the cutting down of unnecessary water waste using our water saving tips. Given that only one percent of the Earth’s water supply is fresh water, it is time to be more aware of our possible impact on the Planet.

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